Hey There Vagina….


There is a certain subculture of women who speak with conviction about their feminist views and passionately fight for gender equality.  Following in the footsteps of the suffragettes and bra burning hippies before them, these women are freeing their nipples to show the world that having a vagina is a powerful thing.

Ok so maybe there is more to modern-day feminism than flashing ones’ chi-chis on Instagram, but this gal is certainly no militant feminist so what do I know?  I don’t protest deodorant.  My armpits remain hairless at all times.  And I am not freeing my nipples, my pussycat or any other lady parts that have no business being exposed to the general public.

All joking aside, I am a strong woman who has worked hard to thrive in an industry that is dominated by men and who strives to remain true to my morals and convictions at all times.  I wholeheartedly support other strong women who have worked equally hard to earn the respect and admiration of their peers as well.

And the feminists are right….. The vagina IS a powerful thing.

But, as a wise man (otherwise known as Spiderman’s Uncle Ben) once said:

“With great power comes great responsibility”

While there are legions of strong, independent, hardworking, intelligent, moral ladies out there who understand the responsibilities and challenges cast upon them at birth when the doctor proclaimed “It’s a girl”, there is an equally (if not more so) populated group of ‘women’, let’s use this term loosely as I don’t want to be associated with them even on the broadest of levels, who are fully aware of the vagina’s power…. and consciously abuse this power for their own gain, regardless of whom they hurt or how they represent themselves in the process.

As someone who has never used my sexuality in a manipulative manner for personal gain, I never gave much thought to the vagina’s power over men.  Obviously, I am aware that straight men love the vagina in all shapes and sizes.  But I never actually contemplated how easily a man’s character, his entire being, could be completely eradicated by a single vagina.  That is, until my own husband fell prey to one.

A vagina of convenience.  A vagina of opportunity.  A vagina that was nothing special aside from the fact that it was available and non-discerning.  A vagina that is attached to a pathetic and manipulative selfish piece of garbage.  A vagina with the power to destroy a marriage, to destroy a family, to destroy a life.

This is not to say that my husband, or the legion of husband’s just like him, is some innocent victim who was physically forced to succumb to the sexual advances of a low class piece of trash.   She knew exactly what she was doing when she presented herself (and her vagina) as ready and willing.  And he knew exactly what he was doing when he happily obliged.

I know that I have devoted a lot of thought (and tears) to the words my husband spoke (and texted) to his whore which allude to a relationship much deeper than sex.  But could it really have been “love” or are those words and misguided feelings simply a byproduct of the way in which she dangled her accessible vagina in front of him?

Could the vagina be THAT powerful that it can make a man…. a married man …. misconstrue empty lust for love?  It seems that the answer is a resounding YES.

I have asked my husband time and time again over the past five months the questions:

“Why did you say those things to her?”

“How could you do this?”

“What was so special about her?”

And the answer time and time again remains the same…… “Sex.”  Even what seemed, on the surface, to be an affair that was both physical and emotional in nature boils down to one thing.  Sex.

He was saying everything he could to get sex or he was saying what he needed to say to keep the sex coming. Either way, sex is the man’s weakness and the whores of the world know it.  They know that all it takes is a casual flirtation, a mention of something that takes the mans’ mind to thoughts of a sexual nature, and they have successfully opened the door to the possibility of going down the path of infidelity.

So why do these women opt to use their vaginas to achieve their ‘goals’?  Whether that goal be a fancy dinner, a compliment, a career advancements ….. or someone else’s husband.  I suppose the answer to that question is no different than the answer to why our husbands chose to cheat with these whores in the first place……. because it’s easy,  because they’re easy.

It’s easier to send a sexual picture or text to get a man to be interested than it is to …. GASP …. get him to like you as a person.  It’s much easier to flash ones vagina at a man than to sustain a conversation.  And these whores are all about the easy road.

So what does that make us …. the women who don’t use the most powerful tool in our arsenal haphazardly?  Are we idiots for taking the high road? The HARD road?  Have we been so concerned with choosing the righteous and moral path that we have allowed the whores to one-up us?  Did we place so much importance on loyalty and morality that we blindly allowed ourselves to be made fools of in the process?

As easy as it would be for us to allow ourselves the opportunity to slide down the slippery slope of self-pity and view ourselves as the losers in this situation, WE ARE NOT.  We didn’t take the easy road when it came to using our minds and personalities, rather than our vaginas, to get where we are in life…. and that should be applauded NOT shamed.

Stay strong, stay brave, stay sane, stay classy …. and stay true to yourselves.



  1. Amen.
    It hurts my heart so much and truly causes me more shame than I care to admit that my husband turned away from everything I knew him to be as soon as the dirty whore literally pulled her shorts to the side and showed him her willing and available vagina. Apparently nothing else mattered then. And she knew it because no woman would, again literally, expose that part of herself if she has any concerns she might be rejected. She was right. She bet on her vagina and won. I bet on his integrity and love for me and lost. xx

    Liked by 6 people


    1. I’ve come to the conclusion that I never thought I’d feel this level of disappointment towards my husband. I chose him because he was someone I felt I could trust wholeheartedly to protect me from harm and pain. I love what you said “She bet on her vagina and won. I bet on his integrity and love for me and lost.” SOOOO dead on. When I chose my husband as the person I’d spend the rest of my life with, I hedged my bets and I lost. I was wrong. He isn’t above the behavior I thought he would never in a million years engage in. He isn’t capable of shielding me from pain, in fact he IS capable of causing it. It’s so disappointing and disappointment hurts.

      Liked by 3 people


  2. These women will always exist so will our husbands “succumb to the sexual advances of a low class piece of trash” again. After going through a near mental breakdown, how I found out, and a threatened suicide with said husband, I would hope not. But???



    1. I guess that’s the fear that will always live somewhere in our hearts and minds moving forward….. whether we are moving forward with those who betrayed us or not, once you have experienced this level or pain, it’s virtually impossible to ever not live in fear of it happening again. On several occasions my husband has said “maybe it would be better for you if I left….easier for you.” What he never will fully understand is that with him or without him, this is a part of me now and my ability to trust as freely as I once did is long gone. xoxo

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  3. I just found your blog – My D-Day was September 19, 2016. I am still at the hating ‘the skank’ phase. Sure I know my husband was to blame, was his choice but the skank had been pursuing him unbeknownst to me years ago. “A vagina that is attached to a pathetic and manipulative selfish piece of garbage.” I have been reading your posts and on so many levels can totally relate. It suck that you’ve gone through this but there are days when I question what I’m feeling and you have validated that.

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